5 Best Practices For Optimizing Your Front End Web Development

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Front End Web Development

If you want the users to like and engage with your products, you should start with a clean, functional, interactive business website. As far as engagement and attractiveness are considered, the front-end development of the website is crucial. Whereas an excellent front end brings user-driven outcomes and enhances security, a distorted website UI can create a dull appearance or even drive away the business.

Since on-page SEO holds 35% of any digital marketing campaign, a basic understanding of front development is a key to mastering the field. Moreover, quality frontend web development is integral for the businesses purposes such as client relations. Therefore, front-end development companies are in hot demand.

Whether you are a frontend developer or a marketing agency, we will discuss five industry-based practices to boost your frontend web development process. Let’s first understand the frontend development, what it is exactly.

What is Front End Development?

Simply put, Front end web development refers to developing the graphical interface of the website. Back in time, when we browsed websites, blogs, and online magazines in the early 2000s, information was disorganized. In the absence of frontend development, all you will see on a website or web page are indecipherable codes. A Front developer will create the website’s graphics using HTML CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery, ensuring that the data is presented in an easy-to-read and understandable format.

Besides ensuring user experience and efficient use of the website’s graphical interface, front-end developers have many other things under their belt. Initially, frontend developers ensure that the website is usable across different devices, regardless of screen size and operating system. It is the frontend developer who ensures that the website runs smoothly and delivers high-performance across all devices, regardless of their OS.

Suppose you want to know the fundamental differences between JavaScript and jQuery and the best practices to optimize your front-end development. In that case, we will be discussing that in the following part.

5 Best Practices To Implement To Your Front End Web Development

A majority of businesses fail to deliver a satisfactory user experience. Slow loading speed and lack of engagement are crucial factors, but poorly optimized front-end (UI & UX) are at the top.

So, regarding amplifying your efforts and making your website good in terms of visuals and conversions, we have put down the five best practices to build a robust front-end architecture that delivers an unmatched customer experience.

  • Subside Resources

Downsizing of resources refers to the process of eliminating all unwanted data or characters from your HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or jQuery code. Frontend Minification primarily includes removing code comments, white space, and formatting newline characters, new code, and a lot more.

  • Limit or Minimize the Number of Server Calls

Typically the more calls your frontend makes to the server, the longer it takes to load. Since every call undergoes a complete communication cycle before rendering the page, you can limit or reduce the number of calls to the server. You may look for professional front-end web development services for this task, but try the following tricks to boost your page load.

  • Try CSS Stripes
  • Avoid Broken Link
  • Reduce Third-party Plugins
  • Eliminate Unnecessary Custom Fonts

Though custom fonts add personalization to your website, they come at a huge performance cost. Custom font files can be pretty large. This affects the speed of page rendering, slowing downloading speed. Wonder how to prevent it? Here is how a front-end web development company will resolve this.

  • Convert Fonts to efficient format
  • Subset fonts to eliminate unused code
  • Enable preloading of fonts, explicitly required by the page
  • Minimize Files

The amount of data rendered primarily depends on the capability of bandwidths. The larger the files, the more time it takes to render. New-age websites often have large HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery files.

You can make a huge difference in your website’s loading time simply by compressing these files using either of the following methods.

  • Gzip
  • Brotli
  • Zipware
  • PeaZip
  • WinZip or more
  • Try Lazy Loading

To improve your front-end development, you can try the Lazy Loading technique. Lazy loading improves front-end (such as images, content, and other graphics) loading time to a great extent. 

Lazy loading lets web pages load the necessary content first and loads the rest when the user needs it. Apart from Lazy loading, you can try Native Lazy Loading or blurred image effects. They all work similarly.

Does it seem like a lot to do on your own? You can simply hire a professional front-end web development company. From UI/UI to page speed, or else, they will handle everything like a pro.

Why is Front-end Development Important for Your Business?

Since all revenue is generated from the client, customer experience is essential. A well-thought-out front-end development helps gain customers’ confidence and makes them use your website smoothly and interactively. However, the benefits of having a good front-end development are not limited. It includes the following advantages.

  • Remarkable First Impression

In this ever-evolving digital world, a business’s website is the first point of interaction and puts the first impression on the customer. An attractive website with strategic graphics and content placement is far better. That’s what a front-end developer does.

  • Robust Branding

An excellent business website includes logos, products, designs, and otter elements with a strategically planned branding campaign. But, all your branding efforts will go in vain without an attractive and engaging landing page; that’s where the front-end comes into play.

  • Build Customer Trust & Confidence

Customers encounter many websites with poor graphics, run time errors, slow loading, and other issues. With broken trust and confidence, when they see a website with impressive graphics, easy navigation, and clean layout, they put all their trust and also spread the word about the products & services.

You cannot count on your regular developer for a business website with well-organized graphics and interactive visuals. Since 80-90% of the end-user experience ties with response time and front-end components such as image, styling, scripts, content, and other graphics, you must partner with a professional front-end web development company.

Ready to improve your customer experience and boost conversation? PixelMatrix can help with comprehensive front-end web development services. Schedule a free online consultation today!